How Remedies Reveal the Totality

Beware! This is a long read even to my standards. We have several goals to accomplish:

To define the methodology of taking the chronic case that is radically different from classical approach

To build up the vocabulary as we inevitably meet the concepts that are new to homeopaths: landscapes, fulcrums, stillness, Totality, rebalancing, etc.

We’ll explore how remedies lead and guide us through the whole process of consultation. Here remedies are not prescribed, but experienced live. Here Healing happens during the consultation and not afterwards. So we become a true witnesses a real Mystery of Healing experienced live in a present moment.

How Remedies Reveal the Totality

We’ll discover each consultation process is a real journey that has certain phases represented by different remedies.

So we start with nothing at 0° and proceed to the Totality at 360° and then we get grounded back in the starting point but with a completely new and naturally perfect balance.

We’ll begin with an overview of some principles. If you are already acquainted with these, you may skip to What is a Totality.


Remedies have 2 roles/sides in Present Homeopathy:

  • YANG – They relieve suffering when needed. Only dealing with chronic cases rarely it is done directly (symptomatically) like in acute classical prescriptions. In our case we use indirect approach (formally, it’s not even a prescription) looking for the remedy that has apparently having nothing to do with the complain it is addressed to, e.g. in case of a headache we are not going to look at “headache remedies” at all. We’ll search everything but headache. But we listen to headache while testing remedies. When we get to the remedy needed, it relieves the headache in seconds or minutes – and that’s despite it is “bowel”, “hepatic” or whatever else remedy. But yes, in acute cases usual classical symptomatic approach is valid, too.
  • YIN – Remedies reveal the cause of suffering when used in “proving mode”. Being pure potential they do not cause anything to healthy volunteers when taken with care. They simply reveal what is hidden, what has already been there. That’s the most fascinating side of Homeopathy as it opens new horizons for exploring ourselves and our patients. It also gives a truly homeopathic approach in treating chronic diseases – and that’s exactly what the founder has been looking for all his life. It’s so simple. And we may only wonder why homeopaths haven’t fully utilized it’s potential up until now.

With these two halves (relieving and revealing) united Homeopathy becomes WHOLE, i.e. it becomes an amazing instrument to approach the Totality: not the “totality of symptoms”, but the Real One.

Homeopaths enjoy speaking about totality. And they want their remedies to represent that totality. So remedy descriptions have been arranged accordingly. It seems the more thorough is the description, the more symptoms, locations and aspects it covers, the more totality we have. As a result we have huge Materia Medicas, we have enormous repertories and… we are lost in that jungle of information eventually.

That actually comes from misunderstanding of what our remedies actually are (see Phases of Perception).

Look, from the very beginning Homeopathy has been developing as a mean to fight deadly acute diseases: malaria, scarlet fever, cholera, typhus, etc. It really excelled on that. Homeopaths had a significantly larger percent of cures than their allopathic colleagues. All that classical Homeopathy is actually Yang Homeopathy based on relieving properties of our remedies and targeted to acute cases.

But such Yang Homeopathy did not translate to chronic cases as successfully.

 … even when chronic diseases were treated in exact accordance with the Homeopathic art as hitherto known, their beginning was promising, the continuation less favorable, the outcome hopeless.

S, Hahnemann “Chronic diseases”

All his life the Founder had been searching for the answer. He and his colleagues thought it had to be some pretty insignificant modification (double remedies, miasms, LM potencies, etc.) applied to otherwise flawless approach. They never considered returning to the very roots and taking an opposite direction to classical prescribing. That would mean questioning the main principles. And it seems even today classical homeopaths are not ready for that.

Now it’s evident that in chronic cases we need Yin Homeopathy which is a completely opposite approach to Yang (see Yin & Yang of Homeopathy) and is based on revealing properties of our remedies.

What is the opposite approach to classical prescribing?

Think a little bit. Imagine we turn “classical” practice of prescribing upside down, but we keep the essence intact. Ridiculously, we do not get into allopathy, but we actually return to provings! Provings are opposite to prescribing, aren’t they? Only now these provings start happening during the consultation and become a part of healing process!

ACUTES: Totality ——symptoms——> Remedy

CHRONIC: Remedy ——sensations——> Totality

Symptoms in acute cases are pretty apparent for the “keen observer” as S. Hahnemann called him. We may say we start with a totality (even if it is just “the totality of symptoms” and does not include deep dark well – the little black dot of Yin situated on the white Yang side – that represents underlying causes of acute disease) we take the most characteristic symptoms and we arrive to the remedy that relieves these.

But “totality of symptoms” becomes much less important in chronic cases. So here we start with the remedies that help to reveal the most important points and lead us to the totality.

What is Totality?

Totality is not something that is hidden or that should/could be built or achieved. It is here right now more than obvious in a present moment. It is impossible to name it, describe or count it though. It is right here as it is. And that’s the biggest Mystery of all.

Totality is Ultimate Health. These are synonyms. There is no disease, no patients and no doctors in Totality. But also there is nobody who’s separate, no one controls anything or does anything here.

Ego (the illusionary separate entity) is the only disease we have. It’s a delusion, actually. Ego tries to overcome the Totality/Health by clinging onto details: sensations, emotions, ideas, situations, practices,… We think we have the reason for that clinging: we think something’s wrong with our life and we have to do it better. We think God has made some mistakes and we are here to fix them.

Actually, every detail may become an obstacle to perceive the Totality. And every detail may also become a pointer to It.

Ego/Disease lies solely in attachments. Without attachments there is no Ego, no Disease. Without attachments Totality/Health prevails.

In Present Homeopathy the main purpose of remedies becomes to remove attachments – both evident and hidden – that prevent us from becoming Whole and discovering our true Self. That happens in a very peculiar way and has nothing to do with the “removal of symptoms”.

Now we’ll go through the main phases of consultation briefly – just to get an overview. Please note that each consultation is different and sometimes some phases may be skipped, shifted, etc. But the overall pattern usually remains more or less similar. In each consultation remedies take us into a fascinating journey:

How Remedies Reveal the Totality

Let’s follow the whole path step by step:

– Nothing

Imagine we are simply waiting for a patient to arrive: no landscapes, no sensations, no remedies, no insights, no stillness, no details,… Nothing special at all – up until we consider this question:

Is Totality present in that “nothing special” nevertheless?

Of course, it is. Essentially that Totality has nothing to do with a practitioner. Reality simply is. It really does not care to be understood, i.e. put into words.

But practically – it all depends if we are aware of It or we are not. Are you aware of Totality now as you read the text?

45° Perceiving Landscape

We welcome and meet our patient we get in touch with his/her world that feels separate. We start to perceive the landscape that belongs to our patient. Sometimes it happens as we welcome our patient at the doors, sometimes we have to sit and talk for a while or play with the remedies. It happens without any our effort though: open Heart is all that is required. We simply find ourselves in the landscape we are not used to and start to explore it.

Landscapes are usually a faint hint of sensations to say the truth – just some overall feel – too vague to be named or recognized as something particular. It’s ok. We do not need any details at this stage. That vague sensation is the natural expression of the rising Yang wave that represents manifested side. Vague sensation invites us to identify the body/level (later on these) and look for a similar set of remedies.

At this phase we do not need any particular symptoms, sensations or remedies.

Can you imagine a homeopathic practitioner simply enjoying meeting the patient and having no task to accomplish? I mean we simply welcome our patient and sit with him/her openly. We do not need to ask particular questions, gather information, write down the symptoms, underline them, build “totalities” out of them, think of remedies and differentiate them, etc.

We simply listen. Listening does not require any effort, but awareness. It is as effortless as simply being.

It appears that dealing with chronic cases (Yin side) we do not need to neither “clearly realize what is to be cured in disease“, nor “clearly realize what is curative in medicines“.

What’s even more ridiculous, practitioner has not even to “be aware of how to adapt what is curative in medicines to what he has discerned to be undoubtedly diseased in the patient“!

Well, in Present Homeopathy practitioner accomplishes this adaptation through different techniques. Here techniques are just as important as remedies. We do not learn remedies – reading them without experiencing them live (i.e. without listening to them directly) really makes very little sense in Present Homeopathy. And experiencing them is always unique.

But we learn techniques and strategies for testing, adapting and manufacturing the remedies. We train and practice these like we train different moves in martial arts or like we train fingers for playing a music instrument. We train up until they become our second nature: so that whenever we recognize a situation, we react automatically and instantly. Look, neither fighter, nor musician think about what they are doing. They recognize what’s happening in a present moment, react, they adapt to the situation.

The mastery of a practitioner is in capability to reach the same goal in multiple ways – so that we may choose the most adequate approach from at least several options. We do not choose it intellectually. For that we train our listening skills each day and we seek perfection in these. Awareness comes and surprises us greatly each time.

To say the truth, it is impossible for us to know what is “diseased” in chronic case. If we become deeply aware of that simple fact, we do not perceive patients as “diseased” anymore – they simply are as they are. Perfect examples of Life. We listen. That’s all. I know, it seems to contradict paragraph 3 of “Organon”. It really does. That’s exactly the point! Welcome to the Yin side of Homeopathy.

We have to turn our classical (Yang) practice upside down to access the Yin side of Homeopathy!

In Present Homeopathy we almost never search for particular remedies in chronic cases. We kind of leave that to our patients. We just look for sets. Sets of remedies do not have any particular sensations, just a landscape – that overall hazy feel without any details prominent. That’s very similar to what we experience as we welcome our patient.

Sitting on that tip of the iceberg and staring at the deep dark Ocean on the Yin side does not involve knowledge and thinking. When dealing with not-yet-manifested intellect is helpless and awareness (you may call it attention) is all that is needed.

90° – Finding the Fulcrum

Then we find one remedy in the similar set that almost instantly transforms this vague sensation into a clear picture that we may recognize. Consider the first remedy is for opening the case. It’s still quite superficial, but at the same time it’s much deeper than a symptomatic one.

Ideally, our first remedy should address the fulcrum speaking in osteopathic terms. Technically, fulcrum means “support about which the lever turns”:

Consider “the load” is a disease or some traumatic factor. “Effort” represents body’s attempt to deal with it expressed in symptoms, sensations, complaints.

Disease is dynamic. And body’s response to it is dynamic, too. They both change. But fulcrum is fixed, it does not move. It may be located far from the site of complaints and apparently may seem to have nothing in common neither with these nor with the disease.

Imagine this “support of a lever” is put onto the body. It does not move (only the lever does), it is pretty heavy — so with time that site of the body becomes kind of numb.

It is impossible to feel the fulcrum. It’s numb!

Imagine you sit and your leg becomes numb. You can’t feel it unless you try to move it. Likewise, fulcrum becomes apparent only when osteopath puts his hands onto it. Or when homeopathic practitioner addresses it with the remedy. Well, to say the truth it’s neither about hands, nor remedies. It’s all about attention/ awareness.

Awareness is essential to healing. It brings life to all these fulcrums, suppressions, diseased parts, etc.

Hands or remedies may become tools for Awareness.

With Awareness suddenly everything becomes alive. Suddenly we become aware of that lever – its both ends engage into movement. That movement is very different from the response to a symptomatic remedy. Symptomatic remedies give only a temporary reaction that quickly fades away. “Fulcrum remedy” invokes a totality (albeit still a little bit local one) and that liveliness feels extremely real and does not fade quickly.

Fulcrum is a nice and sophisticated concept in osteopathy. It’s highly important for beginners. But then as years go by and our practice becomes more and more spontaneous and natural, we do not need to think about fulcrums anymore.

Actually, what happens is that we cease grabbing the sensations. We do not fix our attention on sensations anymore while listening (it has nothing to do with thinking and writing down symptoms – it’s all about direct perception of patient’s world). We lose interest in sensations, our attention slides through them and then it naturally stops at a place that lacks sensations, i.e. at fulcrum.

Fulcrum is our first step in the quest for the cause of disease. If patient comes to us with exacerbation of a chronic disease, we do not even try to address sensations (effort arm), e.g. we do not look for headache, stomach, heart, etc. remedies. We also do not engage into exploring the load/disease. We start testing sets that cover the whole body (=totality) and we look for fulcrum. We find a remedy that reveals fulcrum and it surprises us.

  • Fulcrum is superficial (it’s in the physical body), but it’s hidden.
  • Fulcrum is local, but it represents totality more than anything else.
  • When we address the fulcrum suddenly all the landscape becomes alive.

Let me quote James Jealous to show how deep the perception of fulcrums may become:


Dr. Fulford opened my eyes and mind when he said to me – “The fulcrum is established pre-cognitively by the Tide before the impact of the insult.” The Tide sees the future and establishes fulcrum through which it channels the forces of the trauma.

James Jealous “An Osteopathic Odyssey” p. 22

Please note, it is not a concept, but actual experience that is transmited by the Master to a student. Anyway, it’s pretty hard to describe fulcrum by words. It’s a lot easier to show it in real practice.

I always stress the importance of Listening. Well, it seems natural to listen to sensations. It makes sense. Our training may seem to deal with ability to perceive sensations in a very sharp way. But actually it is even more important what we do with these sensations:

  • Sensations/ symptoms are pretty obvious in acute diseases. Yes, you can “prescribe” on these. But again, in Present Homeopathy that “prescription” is experienced instantly as we introduce the remedy to a patient in one way or another. If nothing changes in the present moment, it is not the right remedy.
  • In chronic cases when we almost never prescribe on sensations/symptoms. We look for a fulcrum which is just the opposite to sensations, i.e. completely numb.

In chronic cases we look for something that is numb and has no sensations!

(See “The Lost Room”) That’s a very unusual skill that requires a pretty specific training. It’s like learning to hear the silence instead sounds.

Here we switch to the proving mode and utilize the revealing properties of our remedies even when dealing with symptoms. We get into a very weird situation:

  • we have to avoid any particular sensations as these drive us away from the fulcrum (repertorisation being Yang method makes no sense here),
  • but we also need something to narrow the search of remedies. Some kind of hint for the remedy. Testing thousands of remedies from A to Z is definitely not an option.

Remedy sets

Well, even that may be an option, although not a very practical one. Please, read the marvelous article on Autonomic Reflex Testing (ART) by David Little who has been an extremely classical homeopath. I’ll quote the excerpt of Guy Beckley Stearns MD story here:

Life often demonstrates the truth that “what goes around, comes around” as this method ended up saving Dr. Stearns’ own life. He was given up for lost due to a severe heart condition by the best homoeopathic prescribers in America. He became so ill that he could not even walk more than a few steps without suffering great pain. In an attempt to save his own life Dr. Stearns trained two laymen in the pupil testing methods. For 12 days his assistants tested 100 medicines a day, a totality of 1200 remedies. On the 13th day all the remedies that had shown a response on the pupil were retested and compared. At the end of the day it appeared that Morphine Acetate came through as the best remedy. Dr. Stearns took this remedy and made a slow but steady improvement. This remedy was later followed by two other remedies that showed up during the testing, Ruta and Rhus tox. On these three remedies Dr. Stearns made a full recovery. Thus Dr. Stearns’ own vital force assisted by the two laymen was able to do what the best classical prescribes of the day could not!

David Little Autonomic Reflex Testing (ART)

The problem Dr. Stearns had met (just like most of modern practitioners engaged into testing) was not having access to totality. Well, he simply took “a totality of 1200 remedies”. If we practice like that, we run into many problems:

  • It’s not practical, unless we have no time limits (it took almost 2 weeks in Stern’s case).
  • Even if we cope with time, 1200 remedies are almost impossible to sense. Well, it is still possible to test them mechanically. But we have almost no chances to experience them while testing. They are so different, they belong to different landscapes, they address different bodies/levels. Ok, even if we stay with the classical approach – they belong to different kingdoms and families. It is actually impossible to switch from one landscape, body/level to another quickly enough. Even if we succeed – that appears to be extremely fatiguing.
  • These 1200 can’t be considered a totality! Why not to take 1300? I mean, today we have much more remedies available.

And the problem is not even in quantity. It’s in quality. It’s about having sets of remedies each cover certain totality.

Here these vague sensations and sets of remedies come into play and start making sense. They both come together.

Sets of remedies do not have any particular sensations. Just an overall vague feel that we call the landscape. I know, that’s just the opposite to what homeopaths do with family analysis where they take particular rubrics from repertory and think they can define the whole family with several statements. Well, that looks nice in theory, but does not work in the practice of actual listening to sensations.

We work with many different sets of remedies. We learn to recognize them by sensations – but these are very different from how separate remedies feel.

Remedy sets are indescribable, but yet their landscapes are recognizable by senses.

Even the sets that are seemingly similar in theory, may have very different feel in practice, e.g. we may compare Bach flowers with Living Tree Orchid essences. The difference is striking. But I’m sorry, I still can’t find any words to express that difference. Its really impossible to express that because of its vagueness.

A set of Aura Soma pomanders

Let me give you an example. Here is a very nice set of Aura Soma pomanders that represent 17 pretty bright and vivid colours (mine is of older iteration and lacks 16th and 17th bottles) :

  • It feels very different from sets of homeopathic, isopathic, spagyric, gemmotherapic or lithotherapic remedies. It also feels different from a set of Aura Soma quintessences that may appear kind of similar but represent pale colours.
  • But you see, it is impossible to describe how peculiarly these colours are felt, i.e. perceived as sensations.
  • This relatively small set of pomanders still retains at least some kind of totality. These 17 essences taken together represent the whole visual spectrum from deep red to violet (white and magenta including).

If we look at classics, the only sets I can think of are Jan Scholten’s periodic table, Lanthanides and Actinides. He’s the first homeopath in history to propose complete sets each covering some kind of totality. He also listened to the remedies while reading them exploring their place in periodic table. Some colleagues found that controversial, but from a present point of view — a huge huge respect for J. Scholten.

Working with sets we learn to always keep in touch with totality. We almost never think of particular remedies anymore — even if we do, we go through the whole set anyway. We always work with whole sets. We always (even in the most clear cases) test every remedy in the set and look for one that provokes the deepest impact.

With years of practice perceiving landscapes represented by remedy sets becomes our second nature. We do not listen to details (separate sensations) anymore. We don’t even try to describe/remember remedies as particular sensations. It’s because as we listen each time different details are revealed.

Pomanders we’ve been talking about recently are a good example. Look, even if you and I would be perceptible to, e.g., Emerald Green that would happen because of different reasons and in an individual manner. Believe me, these never ever repeat. If we practice a lot and we succeed to get impressive responses to Emerald Green pomander in 50 or 100 cases – these are going to be 50 or 100 different experiences even if they share the same landscape.

It dies not mean we do not pay attention to details. On the contrary, our sensitivity to details increases many times – mainly because we learn to be open to new experiences each time and do not cling to previous ones.

Also, working with sets does not mean we ignore separate remedies – just the opposite – our relationship with each of them becomes crucial. It is almost impossible to test the remedies we do not know and do not recognize by sensations. So we experiment a lot, we take the remedies as our guides and teachers and then as years go by we make friends with them. We recognize them as our good friends no matter how they are dresses and in what situation we meet them.

And nevertheless from the very beginning we learn to deal with totality through the sets of remedies. That’s by far the fastest way to learn the art of Homeopathy.

Anyway, 90° and fulcrum is just the beginning of our journey to the causes of disease then stillness and eventually – to the Totality.


The fulcrum in the lesion field is a doorway.

Through this doorway one reaches the next level of cause.

James Jealous “An Osteopathic Odyssey” p. 23

Yes, this journey leads through multiple levels. A. E. Kudaev and his colleagues even named their approach a “multi-level systemic adaptive diagnostics and therapy“.

180° – the Cause of Disease

At this point we should arrive at the 2nd remedy that gives us some deeper understanding of patient’s world as well as insights about the cause of an illness.

But actually the path itself from 90° to 180° is as much important. Again – it’s all in the process itself. It’s not that we have a goal to arrive at some particular remedy. Remedy doesn’t really matter so much – it’s the path to it that does.

Here we travel through series of remedy sets dealing with the first 5 bodies/levels (physical, etheric, emotional, mental and causal). Some particular remedies from these sets provoke instant movement, liveliness that provide us with some insights about the causes of the disease. Actually, I learnt that from A.E. Kudaev who used multilevel approach and classified remedies according to the levels they address. Well, these are mostly non-classical remedies.

Classical homeopaths want their remedies to cover as much levels as possible. That’s a nice goal, a very solid and logical, but… it does not work in chronic cases (unless you master some other non-homeopathic techniques for approaching the cause of an illness) and is not compatible with listening practice.

I’ve been practicing listening for about 25 years daily and I still can perceive no more than one level at a time. And I must admit, I haven’t met anyone who does. It’s because these

levels are perceived as separate bodies each having its own palette of sensations. They do not mix with each other. But they correlate well.

We may perceive that correlation. They flow one into another. And we may experience that flow. It is called translocation. It is a phenomenon when one level’s sensations are transformed into another’s, e.g., body sensations (almost) disappear and e.g. emotional body sensations prevail.

Each level is perceived in a radically different manner. The landscape of sensations changes radically. Levels feel like different worlds, actually. It is almost impossible to work at two worlds simultaneously. Look, you can’t paint with oil and water colours at the same time, can you?

  1. Faint and vague sensations (the landscape) are enough to recognize the level and then take the set of remedies that matches them best.
  2. Then we go through these testing them one by one and listening to how the patient’s world reacts (actually, listening is not confined to body, we always listen to wholeness – and that’s the skill of its own).
  3. With the right remedy, the level we are experiencing gets balanced and sensations disappear.
  4. Then in several seconds or minutes a shift in perception occurs and suddenly we find ourselves in completely different kind of sensations and we start to explore the new level, new sets of remedies, etc.

These shifts are usually pretty surprising for our patients. For example, after the first “physical” remedy usually the body sensations disappear and something else starts to dominate. Quite often it is the emotional body that has a different form and kind of hovering feel. Well, physical body is still there and we know what it’s doing, but it feels distant, it looses it’s contours and other type of sensations starts to prevail.

Remedy usually results in a translocation, i.e. shifting to another level.

That shift usually happens because liveliness that has started with the remedy soon (it may take 5-15 minutes at max) meets an obstacle on another level. If we listen, we become aware of it. And that shift happens.

James Jealous sees it as “another lesion field” that has it’s own fulcrum and vectors. Well, osteopaths have their own approach that suits working with hands. When adapted to remedy work, that may be a little different, but the essence is the same:


The doorway through the fulcrum in the lesion field of the chief complaint leads to another lesion field with boundaries and force vectors and a fulcrum. Follow this trail until the Tide stops the passage. Here is where you begin treatment not in the area of the chief complaint. […]

It is a precise movement through cause … into Cause, both in the relative and absolute sense. The cause of an illness can be easily overlooked in the history and the evaluation — When you intent on finding the Cause … you will not be distracted by superficial interpretations.

James Jealous “An Osteopathic Odyssey” p. 24

We might spend hours talking about these levels. We could experiment with appropriate remedies, learn to recognize these levels by sensations, etc. But now we just take a brief glance at levels belonging to the Yang side (as opposed to the levels of stillness on the Yin side):

  1. We usually start with a “fulcrum remedy” at 90° that addresses physical body, but at different site than the main complaint
  2. then we get into etheric body (meridian remedies, pomanders, etc),
  3. then into astral body mainly perceived as emotions (best addressed by flower essences)
  4. then we may stumble upon mental body that represents our attitudes and thinking process (crystal and mineral essences represent these best)
  5. eventually we arrive at causal body, that is perceived as life events that are happening. Please note, this one is happening precisely at the borderline where Yin meets Yang. We have special situational remedies, but also Aura Soma quitessences may work here. Or Roy Martina’s Flowerplexes. Also some of N. Wolgemuth’s remedies. If we are into classics, Jan Scholten’s periodic table with it’s periods and stages (representing the ones of life) should work fine.

As a beginner I was taught to go through these levels by testing appropriate remedies. It used to be a highly systematic, methodical and almost algorithmic approach. Extremely beginner friendly one.

But as we learn how to listen, sensations are what drive us through the Yang side. Eventually we do not perceive these shifts of perception happening as a result of our actions and intentions. They happen spontaneously and we have no control on what level we suddenly find ourselves.

We also do not have to necessarily travel 1-2-3-4-5. It may be 1-3-5 or 1-5. Or it may be 5 already as we meet the patient.

For example after that “fulcrum remedy” some vague hint of emotion may arise, so we switch to the set of Bach flowers (or we may take Roy Martina’s Flowerplexes, etc.) and find a remedy that kind of adjusts the focus of a camera lens and that emotion becomes clear.

In practice it may happen that we need to explore one level thoroughly and skip another. We simply follow the sensations. Anyway, we end up at a causal level that represent patient’s life situation.

N.B. Even if it is past situation (or even past life situation) it is perceived as present one. Body reactions and sensations indicate that we are now experiencing this situation. E.g., if it’s our birth situation we feel kile being born – with all these compressions of head, then shoulders, then cold,… Everything’s happening here and now – therefore I say we never explore the past during the consultations.

Levels and remedies are relative. For example, technically speaking we may sit with a 4th level remedy, e.g. one of Bach flowers or Flowerplexes and we may experience pretty intense emotions. But then it may happen that patient recognizes these and suddenly (without any extra remedy) some life situation pops out. So we get to the causal level without any special remedy involved.


The Cause of ilness is not the illness itself, but how one became susceptible.

James Jealous “An Osteopathic Odyssey” p. 24

Looking for a proper set and subsequently – our first remedy and then walking through many different sets and experiencing other remedies, reading them and asking corresponding questions to the patient we reveal more and more details about him/her.

Imagine we take a walk in a bookstore with our patient and explore his interests. Not every book he takes into his hands goes to his cart. But as we follow our patient’s reactions (=interests), every book/remedy he stops at tells us something – even if it appears not worth buying and goes back to the shelf.

These remedies (even if they do not become sugar globules and do not end up in the pocket of the patient leaving our room) create context. They inspire us to ask certain questions and they all are like pieces of the puzzle.

But at some moment we stumble across the remedy that is trully revealing, it unlocks some special liveliness and leads us into a fully developed perception of patient’s world. This 2nd remedy kind of expands the perception of the patient’s world in a striking way. It lets us see what has been hidden behind the disease.

This second remedy fits that context/puzzle of other remedies we’ve been stopping at. It becomes kind of missing link between these.

I. the first remedy reveals the picture of disease.

That could be some Bach flower that opens up emotional and situational layers that underlie the disease. Or maybe these are some nosode, crystal essence, etc.

II, The second remedy helps us to see the totality of a disease with its hidden aspects.

These include variuos interrelations of different aspects: physical, etheric, emotional, mental, situational. Such totality has nothing to do with “totality of symptoms” most classical homeopaths are striving for. Here in Present Homeopathy it is perceptional.

But by no means such totality represents “everything”. It’s about a momentary feel of the present moment.

Imagine you do a little and short proving – you get a very lively and distinct, but fragmentary feel of that remedy. And nevertheless for a practitioner such feel is much more important than volumes of monographs dedicated to that remedy. In both cases – proving and consulting the patient – it’s about experiencing the manifested Yang wave as fully as it is possible in the present moment.

Fully has nothing to do with knowing everything about patient. If we remain silent inside and we trust the process – that Yang wave does not provide us with abundant knowledge, but simply takes us exactly where needed.

Please note, we do nothing, we simply listen where remedies take us. It is more like a revelation than discovery. It is full experience in the sense we do not feel like lacking any information about that case anymore.

Here we have clarity, but still, something is missing. But it’s a very different “something”. That “something”… cannot be named!


Getting to the causal level at 180° stops us.

  • If we are doctors we might know how body should function.
  • As healers we might understand something about energies involved.
  • Having trained in psychology or therapy we might have some understanding about healthy emotions.
  • We also may also have some idea about the sanity of mind.
  • But when we get to Life situations, our knowledge appears to make no sense at all.

It is impossible to understand Life from intellectual point of view. In no way our minds can access the Totality of Life. Mind knows nothing about Life.

For example, we may think we should avoid this or that situation. We may think it’s no good for us. But then it may appear that this event has been the most precious, important, revealing in our life.

We must admit we do not know anything about what should our patient do in his life. Should he care and build up ruined relationship or should he divorce? Should he switch to another job? Should he stay here or go there?

Deep in our patient’s Heart there are clear answers to these questions. They come with deep clarity and peace and leave no doubts.

Here the second half of our journey begins. It’s about becoming still, descending into a level of stillness sufficient to provide the answers from deep within the Heart that are needed for Health.

Stillness means leaving the world of sensations and going the opposite direction.

So we go to quest for the third remedy. We look for the remedy that has nothing to do with pathos, with the disease, but stands for Health. It has nothing to do with body, energies, emotions, mentals,… It also has nothing to do with “constitutional types”, etc. It takes us beyond any sensations and we descend into the Levels of Stillness.

Let me give you one example. One of the levels of Stillness could be defined as a starry sky. It is each time different, the context may differ as well, but it can always be recognized as a starry sky. Is it really a starry sky? Of course, not. We use these words as some kind of sign, symbol. But, yes, it really feels like starry sky, albeit not like staring at it, but being surrounded by it. Actually it is the closest analogy we could find for that level. Most of us who feel and recognize it agree with that. Consider this level to be the last bus station prior to incarnation. Biodynamic osteopaths might call it the Meeting Place. And actually it is all about our soul’s primary mission, potential and sometimes — resources that we have forgotten and maybe need to remember. That happens on that level… And there’s that starry sky in the background. 

During the consultation it is perceived as that particular Stillness. Nothing happening here. No thoughts, no special sensations (except that starry sky), almost nothing. But when it happens you know some radical changes are going to happen in patient’s life in the nearest future. And that’s all…

The deeper we get into Yin — less and less sensations are experienced. Stillness starts to prevail over sensations. At some point there is only Emptiness left. I remember the patient looking around with astonishment and saying “It’s nothing here!” Well, Emptiness is still a sensation… There is still ‘I” who feels separate and perceives that Emptiness.

“Working” on this Yin side that starts at 270 and continues to 359 is completely opposite to dealing with sensations on the Yang side. “Working” here is an oxymoron. Actually, it is about becoming silent and not-working. It is about losing the sense of performing the healing completely.

One of teachers and colleagues A.E. Kudaev divided information remedies into two categories:

  • relatively negative – standing for pathos side (most of homeopathic remedies and nosodes fit here)
  • relatively positive – standing for healthy side. The most striking introduction to this side were Kudaev’s systemic spiritual adaptants as he called them – a collection of remedies made at different places of power and also various relics and cult objects. My wife Loreta used to call them “Gods”.

A.E. Kudaev developed these for chronosemantics – it’s kind of bioresonance technique – albeit strange one as remedies are introduced by light onto the palm lines. It takes about half an hour and it is supposed to mimic a pilgrimage journey. And the remedy we get is kind of recording of that pilgrimage. It is still the deepest technique I’ve encountered in my quest for the Totality.

It is still a technique though. When you master it, it starts happening without a technique – sometimes a relatively superficial remedy triggers that level and acts like a chronosemantic remedy.

We can also add Aura Soma’s quintessences to this list, as well as some of crystal essences or remedies made from the plants of Power. These together with daily meditation practices and James Jealous’ biodynamic osteopathy lead me into the Yin side of Homeopathy.

Stillness leads to an Emptiness that removes most of our attachments. Here there is almost nothing we can hold on.


Then surrendering to the Totality happens. It comes as a Tide, envelopes everything, transmutes and unites into One. That’s the true mystery of Healing. It has nothing to do neither with the remedies, nor with the healer. There is not much to write about It either.

360° is not the point on the circle. It’s beyond.


Pretty often here we need some kind of rebalancing as they call it in biodynamic osteopathy. So we look to some forth remedy that should be simple enough, not intrude, but help to integrate the whole journey experience into body.

It is always surprising how peculiarly the last fourth remedy connects the both ends of consultation. Usually it brings us to the very beginning of consultation. If we are sharp observers we get into some kind of deja-vu as we recognize the same sensations, locations, situations, words, themes, mood from the very beginning of consultation. That happens in at least of 80-90% of cases. Each time it’s different and is always surprising.

This last “rebalancing” step might be similar to what homeopaths call “drainage”, but the difference is that in our case it happens in present, it is not targeted to future. And it gives an immediate returning to the most natural state of the patient.

Often 360° seem blissful and almost ecstatic for the patients. They want to remain there forever. But then after rebalancing – it’s simply natural, with nothing to add or to take away. It’s better than “blissful”, actually!

Here the consultation process closes in a perfect way. It’s closed as it is clear there is nowhere to move anymore – everything is as it is supposed to be – in perfect balance. That balance comes with stillness, but on the other hand liveliness and dynamics are immense.

We learn at the endpoints. James Jealous

The path to the Totality is circular.

That’s how remedies lead us towards Totality. Everything happens in a present moment (neither in past, nor in future) and is perceived here and now, right during consultation by both practitioner and the patient.

I hope you remember – we have used that circle already. It appears the same circular pattern applies to literally everything no matter what scale we use:

  • Zen Master Seung Sahn taught about the zen circle that may be used to describe the journey of Consciousness through many reincarnations to the Enlightenment.
  • The same circle describes the human path as we go through our present life. “Coming empty-handed, going empty-handed — that is human.” (Seung Sahn)
  • We used it to describe travelling through different phases of perception of our remedies that may take many years and reflect all our career.
  • But now we take this journey to a much shorter interval – travelling from 0° to 360° happens during single consultation as we sit with our patient.

The latter hasn’t been explored by homeopaths in detail up until now. We’re trying to accomplish it here. It appears to be a very very different – almost the opposite – approach from that of classical Homeopathy. I know, it’s very challenging for my homeopathic colleagues. Here even the principles are different.

  • Here we go from remedies to the Totality.
  • Here we rely mostly on revealing properties of our remedies – up until these kind of disappear (see Phases of perception)
  • Here everything that happens, happens in the present moment and is experienced by both the patient and the practitioner.
  • Here we experience remedies instead prescribing them. Nevertheless we end up with giving the remedies that make the deepest impact to the patient.

We manufacture the copies of them. Making the remedies for the patient becomes a part of consultation. Remedies are made by Attention, actually. The whole process is an experience that also goes in the same circle and has its stages. If we follow the sensations, if we listen properly the whole cycle of manufacturing process is quite obvious. It has its start and has it’s finish. Or sometimes it does not have finish and we end up with what I call dynamic remedies that are not closed and adapt to patients state with time. Manufacturing remedies is one of the most exciting experiences for me. If we truly listen, each remedy is made in an unique way, i.e. adapted to the particular patient. Manufacturing remedies is divine if we listen.

We give the remedies to our patients – but that does not feel like prescribing at all! Imagine you visit an exhibition of paintings and you stumble upon the one that makes a huge impression on you. Or imagine you walk the bookstore and find something very important in a particular book. Let’s say, both painting and book bring a very precious memories from your childhood. You may buy the painting or book. But you may take your smartphone and take a photo and then maybe place it on your home screen.

Remedies are for reminding. That’s their true purpose. Naturally, when taken at home they almost never make such a huge impression as during the consultation. But they remind. They help to fight the inertia. Patient hardly is going to stay in that perfect state of grounded Totality for too long. But with the remedies he will not fell to his former diseased state either. So when patient comes let’s say after a month he’s better than he was before consultation. But rarely he’s as good as he was just after it. Usually he’s somewhere in between.

And during the second consultation we look what prevents the patient to stay Healthy. We listen to the remedies he brings with him. We compare the states and sensations, we put away the remedies that have done their work and “look for a deeper process” (James Jealous) that remained hidden at previous consultation.

Ant that’s how everything evolves.

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