Exploring Emptiness with Homeopathy

Potentiated remedies contain almost nothing. In most cases – literally nothing. Nevertheless, up until now that “almost” has been the main sphere of interest for homeopaths. They’ve been fascinated by how these ultra-low concentrations work, they’ve looked for “energies” that are released from material by vigorous succussions, some “vibration” patterns (frequencies) remaining, nanoparticles, clusters of…

The highest potency in Homeopathy

By its definition “the highest potency” should represent a certain aspect of our remedies that’s actually finite and ultimate, shouldn’t it? The answers here are definitely “YES“. But let’s start with a map. I started drawing it hoping I can portray you the peculiar relationship between the highest potency and the lethal dose. But then…

Remedies as Synchronicities

C. G. Jung’s synchronicities are fun to explore from a homeopathic perspective. They may shed some serious light on what our remedies are and open a much clearer view on what is happening during provings. All of us know about the apple falling down onto the head of Sir Isaac Newton. The story may be…

Potencies in Homeopathy – Scientific Approach

Without answering these questions there is no chance one can fully understand Homeopathy. Recently I had a conversation with my Ukrainian colleague and he was pretty sure such questions should not bother us at all. He considered they belong to “scientists” and have very little to do with our everyday prescribing. He has been expecting…

The Listening Sessions

We actually invite you to revolutionize the homeopathic education by making it We hope these will be working soon: Such learning happens mainly through THE LISTENING SESSIONS as we call them. These are like 1) a series of group provings, 2) remedy manufacturing/ trituration practices, 3) consultation process, 4) testing techniques, 5) bioresonance strategies, 6)…

Present Practice of Homeopathy

For most homeopaths “practice” is all about taking the case and getting the results out of prescriptions. And everybody strives to a successful practice, of course. That comes from a complete misunderstanding of what true present practice is all about. First of all, 1. Practice has nothing to do with the results. Let’s take martial…

Sensory Perception of Remedy Sets

I usually say that Present Homeopathy is all about sharing that happens through becoming one. We become one with our remedies. We become one with our teachers and students, with colleagues and patients. We share our sensations, worlds, lives, Universes with each other directly as experiences happening here and now. But there is one secret…

Landscapes vs. Sensations in Homeopathy

Perceiving landscapes instead of sensations/symptoms is both the most revolutionary and by far the most homeopathic way to deal with chronic cases. Landscape as a term for defining a certain perceptual space has been extensively used by biodynamic osteopaths. You may find it in James Jealous’ writings and lectures. I bet you can’t think of…

How Remedies Reveal the Totality

Beware! This is a long read even to my standards. We have several goals to accomplish: To define the methodology of taking the chronic case that is radically different from classical approach To build up the vocabulary as we inevitably meet the concepts that are new to homeopaths: landscapes, fulcrums, stillness, Totality, rebalancing, etc. Contents…