Present Practice of Homeopathy

For most homeopaths “practice” is all about taking the case and getting the results out of prescriptions. And everybody strives to a successful practice, of course.

That comes from a complete misunderstanding of what true present practice is all about. First of all,

1. Practice has nothing to do with the results.

Let’s take martial arts as an example. Can we consider a fight to be a practice? And can we consider winning a fight (be it a championship or a street brawl) to be a successful practice?

Imagine a strong and talented guy who has not trained before wins a fight. And then wins another. And another. Can we call it practice? Can we call it martial arts? Can we consider a street brawl to belong to the arts?

Well, this winner may definitely be successful. And there can be lots of reasons for that: both inner (physical form, psychological factors, talents, genetics, etc.) and outer (opponent, location, etc.) ones. There may be lots of different reasons for winning. That may even happen accidentally!

It has nothing to do with the results. Winning or loosing have nothing to do with practice.

2. Practice is all about daily training.

Rolling with guys in our bjj club

Sparring may be a part of training sessions. And you may be always loosing to your stronger and more experienced partners. It doesn’t matter – it still may be a wonderful practice of making a champion out of you.

And this translates to every field you may think of.

If it’s spiritual practice – it’s daily one. Yes, spontaneous Samadhi may happen. But without daily practice – it’s of no use.

If you want to excel at playing some musical instrument – practice is about many hours of playing each day. You need at least hundreds if not thousands of hours of practice before your first concert.

3. Ridiculously, there has been almost no systematic training for managing chronic cases in Homeopathy up until now.

Imagine taking a case is your championship fight or playing a suite in a concert. How do you prepare for that?

Some say you have to read Boericke’s MM and Kent’s lectures. Or maybe read some 50 remedy descriptions. Or maybe read something else.

Imagine a fighter who does not train methodically, but reads books and watches videos instead. Imagine the same is happening with the musician preparing to concert. That’s exactly the situation we’ve been having in Homeopathy. It’s a tragedy, to say the least.

4. Practice is happening exclusively in the present moment.

Up until now most of the training (except perhaps trituration practices) has been targeted towards future. You don’t read remedy descriptions just for fun, do you? You prepare for the future! We also prescribe our remedies looking for the result in the future.

But present practice doesn’t work this way. You must forget the past and future and remain 100% aware of what’s going on NOW. Everything you care about is NOW: you get 100% effective in present while both past and future cease to exist. Our remedies happen NOW and never in the future. And if they happened in the past in one way or another – forget it. The past experiences do not count NOW.

5. Practicing means listening to the remedies together.

Anyway, having good partners is crucial for practicing. Up until now there have been “study groups” here and there in Homeopathy. They’re good for support and wonderful for building a community. The problem is they’re more like “reading together” and discussing than practicing.

There are also trituration practices (like C4 movement) and groups devoted to provings. These are great and have a huge potential for growth… whenever our relationship with remedies becomes clear and we have a map for our journey. These are the main points why Present Homeopathy has appeared.

There is a huge difference between Homeopathy targeted to remedies and Homeopathy targeted to people.

Up until now remedies have been… remedies! I mean they have been considered as something separate from us! And they have been causing symptoms to innocent people.

Well, we have to admit this causing has been quite inconsistent with potentiated remedies: sometimes they cause, sometimes they do not. Actually, more often they do not. So homeopaths have invented sensitivity (sometimes called idiosyncrasy).

Sensitivity was something hard to explain either. So mythical constitutional types have been created. They have served well. Except they are static and do not necessarily represent the present interest (the interest of the Life itself).

Thank God, we get rid of all that in Present Homeopathy. In thousands of remedy experiences I had with my colleagues and patients we have never witnessed a potentiated remedy (or any other information remedy) causing “remedy symptoms” when used with caution. They just reveal what’s already there, but has been hidden.

Understanding the true nature of our remedies (see phases of perception) leads to an ultimately simple and sincere practice. It’s not about the remedies anymore – it’s about ourselves! It’s never about experiencing a remedy anymore. It’s about our sensations, uncertainties, doubts, fears, tears, anger, thought patterns, life situations, dreams, etc. getting exposed to our colleagues we’re travelling with. Therefore

6. Practicing together is amazingly special and very intimate experience.

Up until now we could easily blame the remedies. But becoming transparent remedies become inconvenient for us. If I get tears, anger or fear – we all know these belong to me.

7. Such practice sets new standards for homeopaths.

Up until now you had to be smart to know and analyze multiple remedy symptoms. The best teachers were charismatic storytellers who managed to convey the portraits of remedies to their listeners.

But now it’s all different. It’s about sincerity and ability to listen while remaining silent.

Playing with the remedies, testing them and listening we actually explore the present interest as we call it here. If we recognize the landscape – we may narrow the search to a particular remedy set. Or maybe two sets sometimes. But then our job is over and we leave everything to the present interest. We just scroll through the remedy bottles and we listen. And with some particular remedy that happens.

What is that? It depends. It may be

  • A peculiar process in the body that gets revealed;
  • Different kind of energies starting to manifest;
  • Or maybe some suppressed emotion suddenly rising to the surface resulting in spontaneous tears, panic attack, anger, etc.;
  • Mental processes, mental structures, prejudices, beliefs triggered;
  • Life situations, including what people call past life experiences
  • Levels of stillness resulting in body, room or the whole world becoming still and stopping completely.
  • Different types of Samadhi and other spiritual experiences.

Each meeting for listening to remedies results in many different experiences like these. Sometimes it gets very intense. Having a supportive partners we can trust is very very important here.

Not long ago we gathered to test several different Covid-19 vaccine remedies one of us had got from Helios. We had one colleague who has taken a shot so we listened mainly through her. Graphene oxide 1M had the greatest impact. Well, that was scary for her as body went nuts into uncontrollable trembling.

For me that was perhaps the darkest experience in my life with all the Light turning into grey – as if there was no sky at all. I’ve experimented with lots of nasty things (there was a period I almost specialized in these), but this one does not seem to belong to our realm. It felt like standing at the Mordor gates, actually (see J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings”). Well, that was a good company, good practice, good support, Trust – and the Light came back eventually.

Each meeting is like climbing a mountain together. Awareness, willingness to listen to others, sincerity, devotion to practice come immediately to my mind. But there is definitely more to that.

Expanding the practice into Stillness

Most of us are interested in different special experiences at first. So yes, we get plenty of these. But at some point after several or maybe ten years we get kind of tired from these. Some kind of satiety comes.

Then little by little we discover stillness. Again, remedies kind of guide us there. Stillness is just the opposite to sensations! It is like a lack of sensations actually. It does not feel like experience at first.

But then we learn to recognize it and it starts feeling blissful. We do not even want to return to usual realm of sensations. Body enjoys it either and we find out stillness is much closer to Health than sensations. So we kind of start seeking stillness.

Then we find there are levels of stillness – up until there is an impression the whole world stops completely. The first time Anhalonium levinii D12 (Mescalite) showed me this maybe some 15 years ago, and then I had numerous similar experiences with other remedies, my biodynamic osteopathic colleagues, friends, patients, places of Power, etc.

With Stillness the realm of the remedies ends

Stillness marks the borders of our perceptual space. You can’t get any further than that. You are simply stopped.

If you still feel the need to go further, to “know thyself” to the full extent, remedies are not going to help you. You try to open the door, but you can’t. Eventually you surrender and wait.

And then sometime that door opens. Peculiarly it is I who opens them from another side. So you find the Self.

It’s practice. You continue that not even daily, but from moment to moment – up until it becomes continuous. Always remaining your Self. As my Teacher says – “Sincerity is all that is left”. It’s an amazingly simple, but very hard practice.

We actually continue it with our patients. We do the remedy work, but the task is not to forget the Source even for a moment. Or Health. Or Self. It doesn’t matter how you call It. We can’t reach It. So we surrender first and then we wait for the patient to do the same. Remedies just help to release something and to naturally gravitate to stillness.

Rollin Becker said to me, “The treatment begins when the will of the patient surrenders to the will of the Tide.”
Waiting for this is necessary.

James Jealous “An Osteopathic Journey” p. 134

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